Sound Station 4.xx help file - German language

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Sound Station 4.xx help file - German language

Postby Miks » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:42 am

Hi Folks,

I've translated the GX-700 Sound Station 4.xx help file into German language... and Sergio gave the kind permission to post it here :-)

GXEdit.chm ---> original helpfile
GXEdit_ger.chm ---> my helpfile

My suggestion: rename the original helpfile (in the GX-700 folder) to "GXEdit.chm.ori" to keep it.

Unpack the GX-700 archieve.
Rename the 'new' GXEdit_ger.chm file to "GXEdit.chm" (by deleting this 4 characters: _ger" and copy the resulting file into your GX-700 folder.

Edit: File updated September 28th, 2017 (minor translation corrections).

(3.17 MiB) Downloaded 1074 times

So now you're free to decide which language (English/German) you prefer by renaming the appropriate file to: GXEdit.chm - et voilà - you're ready to go :-) - hope you like it. If you'll find any error/mistake you may post it here, I'll correct it asap.

Michael (aka Miks)

P.S. nevertheless the Sound Station itself of course remains in English... 8-)
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